The Raven and the Pearl
May 15, 2011
Sketch for Bridge Gallery and Monotype
Two recent commissions
April 9, 2011
Clarke County Historical Society Exhibition-Monotypes and Paintings
February 26, 2011
Clarke County Historical Society -Mill Exhibition
Sketch for preview
February 13, 2011
Recent Commission: Chief Powhatan
January 12, 2011
A relative -10th great grandson through Pocohantas wanted this portrait of one of the first chiefs to interact with English settlers-there exist no photographs of course – this is a younger Powhatan –c. 1575–based on my research of what he would have truly worn and possibly looked like .
Moth Painting @ Bridge Gallery
December 26, 2010
Bridge Gallery Exhibit
December 26, 2010
Moth Musings
November 16, 2010
I became obsessed with moths last summer – I am fascinated by insects -especially the lfecyle of moths and butterflies- their fragility – the desire of people to want to catch them and admire them -but doing so can kill them …the moth because it is out at night attracts my interest –and their suicidal […]
More moths
November 14, 2010
Shenandoah 3rd Annual Juried Show
November 7, 2010